Live Cool, Live Green 2023 – Upcycling Station & No-Sew Craft Workshop

Fahrenheit88 and NanoTextile Sdn Bhd proudly present Live Cool Live Green — an engaging campaign that merges sustainability, eco-consciousness, and an active lifestyle. This event features interactive workshops and textile gallery to encourage hands-on participation. Collaborating with the Fashion Design community from Sepang Vocational College on June 17-18, visitors can engage in a No-Sew Craft Workshop and Upcycling Station, hosted by the students. Participants can craft mini tote bags, felt keychains, and phone bean bags without a sewing machine. The Repair and Upcycling Station offers clothing repair and upcycling options. Witnessed the impact of their skilled efforts, echoing the sentiment of “The Visible Mending Programme” founder Tom van Deijnen: “I started repairing because I realized there is a lot of work and skill involved in making clothes.”.
In NanoTextile, we celebrate the art of repair and functional wear, and together we embrace conscious practices for sustainability benefits.